The Institute is a feature-length documentary directed by Spencer McCall about the Games of Nonchalance, the San Francisco-based alternate reality game (known familiarly as The Jejune Institute). The public premiere happens Saturday April 21, 2012 at midnight at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, California and tickets are selling fast.  Get yours here.



Here are a few words about the Games of Nonchalance … Our mission is to provoke discovery through visceral experience and pervasive play. We achieve this by means of interactive narrative, game design, augmented reality, automated environments, event production, installation art, spatial navigation and cultural curation. Our work has been covered by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, WIRED, Bomb, and Juxtapoz magazines, among others. We have also produced creative work for clients such as Greenpeace, the Oakland International Airport, and The Exploratorium. We have made speaker presentations at GDC, TedX, Pecha Kucha, Picnic, Storyworld, and ARG-Fest. We have proudly produced over 100 special events in public space without a single incident of injury, arrest, or property damage. We work with a consortium of talented artists, writers, performers and producers who help us bring exquisite quality to every production.