July 15 – September 30, 2012
Solo show of Svenja Deininger’s recent works at Kunsthalle Krems, Austria. This exhibition is composed of an eclectic collection of paintings by Svenja Deininger fueled by concepts rooted in geometry and materiality of paint and surface. These minimal paintings depict a sense of secluded relationships, confined within the edges of the paintings constructed rectangular surface. A highly recommended show to see if your in Austria. The show runs till September 30th.
Images courtesy of Kunsthalle Krems
Press Release:
Contrasting layers of various geometric forms create the different surface qualities of the paintings by the Viennese painter Svenja Deininger (b. 1974). Her examination in painting of the possibilities and limitations of the medium is articulated in a specific handling of the materiality of the picture support, the primer and the power of color to create form and space which is inscribed as a process into her pictures and presented as a field of optical contradictions.
The delicate balance of the internal and external, flatness and depth, harmony and consciously created confusion create a dialectical movement of oscillation between positions.