My BFF Forever Jeremaih Jenkins is in a group show at Transmission Gallery in Oakland opening up on Friday.


“Unrestricted” is an exhibition of 9 contemporary artists whose work is concerned with political subject matter and content. This show will include a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works as well as video installations. Well-known artist Sue Coe is included with the exhibiting artists. Coe’s work has been consistently involved with national and international political issues since her debut in the 1980’s.
The show is intended as a demonstration of the essential requirement for artists to continue to articulate an unrestricted freedom of speech. It is often said that all art is political to one degree or another. However, artists whose work is openly political are remarkable because they maintain and value their political voice and their desire to be heard over the economic drive to persuade somebody to buy their work. The artists included in ‘’Unrestricted” do not fall into any specific political agenda. They are as eclectic in their variety of themes as they are in their skillful use of medium and technique.