Currently on view at Lisa Cooley, New York is “Stay in Love,” curated by Chris Sharp and presented in collaboration with Laurel Gitlen. “Stay in Love” is an exhibition about monomania and manual repetition. Bringing together a heterogeneous group of historical, established and emerging artists, this show elegiacally explores the classical, paradox-laden trope of manual repetition and devotion to a single subject in the 21st century. True to the obsolescent nature of its theme, “Stay in Love” deliberately limits itself to a manual and analogue processes of repetition.

Installation view: Stay in Love, curated by Chris Sharp, Lisa Cooley and Laurel Gitlen, New York, 2014. Courtesy of the gallery.
“Stay in Love” is on view through February 2nd, 2014.
For more information visit Lisa Cooley, New York.